This year is the very first year that all the senior classes from year 5 to year 8 have had their very own netbooks. And we even got to take to take them home. To top it off we even get the Internet supplied.
I like having a netbook because its easy to find information on the Internet.
Instead of looking through books and other things.
The thing that I didn't like about using the netbooks when we first got them was I didn't know what to do until I got really use to it. And I also didn't like how I wasn't use to typing, but now I know how to type without looking at the keyboard. Now its really fun because I know how to use it.
Using a netbook is better than writing in a book. And is also much easier and is also a fun way of learning. It can really help because you can look on the Internet for all the information you need.
Its really fun using a netbook because you can share your work with each other and you can also help each other learn while at home online.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Creative Logical , Solve a problem

This morning our class did something a little different to what we usually do. Which involved Creative and Logical thinking.
We were put into a group of threes or twos I was with Henry and Ngaina. Our problem was to help a wounded Seagull with the random objects that we were given. Which were sellotape, bucket, umbrella, book, and a jandle.
Our group decided to build a shouter with the book, umbrella and jandle. Then we ripped out some pages out of the book and used it for a mat for the seagull to sit on. After that we put some paper on the seagulls sore and sellotaped it so it could stay on.
After we told everyone Ms T said that our group had FAILED and I was laughing.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Last Week or so.....
For the last of week of school our class have been very busy lately. The reason why is because we are getting ready for production. Every time there's production practice the students that are not in production got moved all over the place into different classes. Our teacher Ms Tito is in charge of our Percussion group so we often get moved around a lot.
What our year 7&8 groups have been learning is are Percussion traditional tribal dance. Every night from 6 pm the people that are in production have to come back to school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night to preform. The reason they preform so many times is because they can only fit an minimum group of audience.
I hope everything gets back to normal again and because its the last week of term 3 i cant wait for school holidays "YAY"!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Math Whizz

During our free time and maths we go onto a website called maths whizz. Its really fun because you can learn your maths in a fun and an easy way of learning. Right now I am learning about Shape and Spacing and it is really easy you just have to do what the thing says like if its 4up and 3down you have to click on the hole 4up and 3down.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Aussie Rules
For the last few weeks we have been going for lessons of Aussie Rules. With Mike the main one who is always there every week teaching us skills like the drop punt and the hand ball skills. It is really fun going to Aussie Rules because we get to learn heaps of new stuff.
Mrs Richards

For the past five weeks we have had a student teacher named Mrs Richards. She came from the Waikato University just to come to our school to learn how to became a teacher.
The last day Mrs Richards spent with us she cooked Chinese food. And there was heaps of different things to try. But Maree and I didn't eat anything because I don't really like Chinese food because my mum always buys Chinese food from the Long Rainbow in Glen Innes and buys it. But anyway I would like to say thanks for all you've done for us and we will miss you heaps.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Our Champions ;

Our 7's team went down to Tauranga to represent our school at the aims games. What is the aims games you might ask? It is a tournament where the NZ boys 7's rugby teams go down represent their school in the aims games against all the other schools.
Our boys played well in all their games and had beaten all schools they challenged and had won the games they were also coached be then 7's rugby coach Gordon Tiegtens. We were all really proud of the boys and what do you know they ended up too became the New Zealand champions.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

*Naturalistic Intelligence
* Musical Intelligence
* Interpersonal Intelligence
* Visual/ Spacial Intelligence
*Intrapersonal Intelligence
* Logical/ Mathematical Intelligence
* Linguistic/Verbal Intelligence
* & Kinaesthetic/Bodily Intelligence
Here are my Intelligence's that I'm good at: Kinaesthetic/Bodily , Intrapersonal, Naturalistic and Interpersonal Intelligence.
And the Intelligence I need to work on is my Logical, Linguistic/Verbal, Visual/ Spacial, and my Musical Intelligence.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Our first Badminton session

The shuttle dropped out of my hands as I let it go to serve to my partner on the other side of me. All of a sudden all we heard was "Shuttle!" That was Laureen's way of getting all of our attention.
Thursday the 4th of August Room 22 was the first class to go to the hall and play Badminton. It was really cool because we learnt how to use a badminton racket and a shuttlecock. And the lady that coached us was Laureen form the Auckland badminton Club.
The first activity that Laureen told us to do was to do with how to control the shuttlecock. And the racket we all started off with was a long one but that was hard so I changed to a shorter one. And it was allot easier we had to throw the shuttlecock up into the air and try hit it up and down but hitting it softly.
It was cool when a lady named Laureen showed us heaps of different tricks. And she got a partner Charm and he had to hit the shuttlecock from under his legs. And if he could do that he had to close his eyes to see if he could hit the shuttlecock when Laureen said “ GO “ then he had to count to 3 and then hit the ball from under his leg. And try to see if he could do it.
One of the activities we learnt was how to control the shuttlecock. The point of the game was who could hit the most shuttlecocks into the bin using aim and concentration. It was really cool because I got a shuttlecock into the bin and made my side of the team get points. And guess what our team WON against the other side.
It was cool going to play badminton with Laureen. I really enjoyed it and I so can’t wait until our next session.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Samoa ;
Ms T put us into peers so Maree and I were partners. And the flag we choose to get was Samoa so we found out 5facts about it.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Going through the design process ;
A few weeks ago our class were given a project to identify a problem within our school. And one of the problems identified was affecting the street so our class decided to design and come up with ideas for furniture to be in our street so people will love and care for it.
Next step to the design process is research we had to look for different shapes, so while researching we had to attribute to see if our project is safe , Practical , Innovative and if it would take up to much space so it includes size too.
The third step to the design process is Generating ideas so after researching our ideas we had to generate them and try to make them our own ideas. So we don’t copy other peoples ideas from the Internet.
Fourth step to the design process is to Find solutions. When we are finding solutions we have to see if we solved our problems or even finding answers to our questions.
The fifth step to the design process is to evaluate. And guess what? we evaluate through the whole design process we needed to evaluate in every step of the way. Because we always change things while we are working on our design.
And the last step to the design process is to reflect on what we did but through the design process we always reflect on what we are doing all the time. Just like when we are evaluating.
Next step to the design process is research we had to look for different shapes, so while researching we had to attribute to see if our project is safe , Practical , Innovative and if it would take up to much space so it includes size too.
The third step to the design process is Generating ideas so after researching our ideas we had to generate them and try to make them our own ideas. So we don’t copy other peoples ideas from the Internet.
Fourth step to the design process is to Find solutions. When we are finding solutions we have to see if we solved our problems or even finding answers to our questions.
The fifth step to the design process is to evaluate. And guess what? we evaluate through the whole design process we needed to evaluate in every step of the way. Because we always change things while we are working on our design.
And the last step to the design process is to reflect on what we did but through the design process we always reflect on what we are doing all the time. Just like when we are evaluating.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Rugby League Session ;

On Wednesday at 10past10 our class went out to the courts to have a Rugby League session with Sio Siua Taukeiaho that plays in the 2011 Vodafone Junior Warriors Squad. He came to teach us some skills just like we did some skills at netball.
Sio Siua taught us a skill that we have to run in and out of the cones with a football. It was funny because we were versing other teams and I was in team 2 we got ONLY 2points because all the boys in the other team were coming first. When it was my turn to run I nearly tripped up on one of the little cones that was on the ground. And the teams that lost would have to do press ups. It was funny because I was in one of the teams.
The next thing we did was each person in the teams had to line up along all the cones that were in front of them. And the person in the front was the first one to run inside and out of the people that was standing by the cones and the person that was at the back had to run. When I ran and came back to the front I had to run again because everyone that versed me had a shot ball. It was a little bit scary because I thought the people that was running were going to stand on my foot.
The game we played was kicking tennis. Where we had to kick shoulder length and we had to try keep the ball inside of the square. When the other team kicked the ball some of the people in my team were running away from the ball and they got out because if the ball touched the ground the nearest person standing next to the ball is out. But the rest were catching the ball so they could make the other team lose. And we won the first game but the last game the other team won.
My favourite part of the game was when we had to run in and out of the people. And I am really glad that I participated in the game because usually I wouldn’t do anything but doing league skills is fun.
Sio Siua taught us a skill that we have to run in and out of the cones with a football. It was funny because we were versing other teams and I was in team 2 we got ONLY 2points because all the boys in the other team were coming first. When it was my turn to run I nearly tripped up on one of the little cones that was on the ground. And the teams that lost would have to do press ups. It was funny because I was in one of the teams.
The next thing we did was each person in the teams had to line up along all the cones that were in front of them. And the person in the front was the first one to run inside and out of the people that was standing by the cones and the person that was at the back had to run. When I ran and came back to the front I had to run again because everyone that versed me had a shot ball. It was a little bit scary because I thought the people that was running were going to stand on my foot.
The game we played was kicking tennis. Where we had to kick shoulder length and we had to try keep the ball inside of the square. When the other team kicked the ball some of the people in my team were running away from the ball and they got out because if the ball touched the ground the nearest person standing next to the ball is out. But the rest were catching the ball so they could make the other team lose. And we won the first game but the last game the other team won.
My favourite part of the game was when we had to run in and out of the people. And I am really glad that I participated in the game because usually I wouldn’t do anything but doing league skills is fun.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Science Roadshow
Thursday 9th the senior block walked down to the Science Roadshow down the road at Tamaki College to help us with our topic. All the seniors didn't just go at once, we all went at different times because Tamaki students were visiting it as well.
When we got to Tamaki College we were greeted by two people into the auditorium and were seated. The first performance we saw was about the flame. A lotto ticket was wet, a tall man dipped the lotto ticket into a chemical and then used the blow touch to dry it and it was all dry it was like it wasn't even wet.
After the performance our groups went and visited all the stations. My group split up and went in different directions. We didn't stay together, only Julie, Raven, Charm and I stayed together.
We looked at a display that when the light was off there was nothing there and when you switched the light on a skeleton appeared. My favourite display was this thing where you put your hands underneath it and it plays music.
When we got to Tamaki College we were greeted by two people into the auditorium and were seated. The first performance we saw was about the flame. A lotto ticket was wet, a tall man dipped the lotto ticket into a chemical and then used the blow touch to dry it and it was all dry it was like it wasn't even wet.
After the performance our groups went and visited all the stations. My group split up and went in different directions. We didn't stay together, only Julie, Raven, Charm and I stayed together.
We looked at a display that when the light was off there was nothing there and when you switched the light on a skeleton appeared. My favourite display was this thing where you put your hands underneath it and it plays music.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Swimming ;
Every second term, year 7 & 8 go down to the Y.M.C.A pools for swimming lesson. All the seniors go down to the pools everyday for 30minutes. But the 2weeks that we had swimming I didn't attend any swimming lessons for the whole 2weeks as I didn’t feel like swimming. Every After lunch times we all head down to the pools altogether ready and lined up.
When we got to the pools all the swimmers had to get changed and jumped into the showers before getting into the pool. What I had to do was read a book because brought a note that had a good reason why I couldn’t go swimming and if I didn’t I would have to do lines like my friend Julie. When I finished reading my book I just chatted with all my friends that hadn’t gone swimming.
When everyone had finished swimming we all lined up and walked back to school. And worked on our topic.
When we got to the pools all the swimmers had to get changed and jumped into the showers before getting into the pool. What I had to do was read a book because brought a note that had a good reason why I couldn’t go swimming and if I didn’t I would have to do lines like my friend Julie. When I finished reading my book I just chatted with all my friends that hadn’t gone swimming.
When everyone had finished swimming we all lined up and walked back to school. And worked on our topic.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Design process ;
In our class we are going through the design process to design a sign that all students can understand from New Entrance all the way up to Seniors. So we have been going through this process to help us. There are 6 steps in the design process Identify a need , Research , Generate Ideas , Find Solutions , Reflect , and Evaluate.
In our class we have been trying to identify a need and one of them were about littering. Because down by the field the there is always loads of rubbish. This is a problem because many students take their food and eat down there. Because we have lots of visitors its important to keep our school clean.
The next step to the design process is research. When we had researched we found images on google of signs of rubbish. The images that I found gave me some really good ideas for my sign.
Generating ideas for a sign is important because......
it part of the design process , and it can help you get heaps of creative and different ideas.
I think that its important because its important you get your message clear for all students form age 5 and up.
In our class we have been trying to identify a need and one of them were about littering. Because down by the field the there is always loads of rubbish. This is a problem because many students take their food and eat down there. Because we have lots of visitors its important to keep our school clean.
The next step to the design process is research. When we had researched we found images on google of signs of rubbish. The images that I found gave me some really good ideas for my sign.
Generating ideas for a sign is important because......
it part of the design process , and it can help you get heaps of creative and different ideas.
I think that its important because its important you get your message clear for all students form age 5 and up.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Kiwis Reading activity ; About Braille

In our group ( kiwi ) we have been reading a story about Louis Braille. He was a Frenchman that was blinded in an accident when he was 3years old. He learnt how to read at a school for blind by using books which had raised capital letters called Braille that helped the sightless people read.
And up above I have written my name in Braille.
Friday, May 20, 2011

In Room 22 we have been learning about Geometry and what it means. Geometry is the study of size , shape , and position of a 2D shapes and 3D figures.
Everyday geometry → spatial sense
→ geometry reasoning
We have been doing activities such as making 3D shapes , and we learnt how to draw perfect circles with a compasses , and we also got to make our own tangrams for a fun challenge.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Taonga Time

Every Friday’s the year 7&8 students have Taonga Time we have it to learn about our teachers different passions like my teachers passion is kapa haka. If you don’t know what Taonga means its Treasure in Maori.
There are different Taonga groups like Sports with Miss Vaafusuanga , Music with Mr Jacobson , ICT with Mrs Telea , Team building with Mr Barks , Art with Mrs Langitupu , kapa haka with Ms T , Maori with Mrs Nua and Science with Mr Harris. And the group that I'm in is Kapa Haka.
When I found out that I was in kapa haka I was so happy because I love preforming for our school in culture groups.
Monday, May 16, 2011
1st Netball session

Then Emma had asked the class to line up along the yellow line and asked if we knew any dynamic stretchers. And ONLY two people put their hand up. So Emma showed us the high-knees , butt-flick and grapevine. When I was doing the grapevine it was hard because I didn't know how to do it.
When we all learnt all our netball skills we had a game of corner ball. Which is sort of like netball but it a goal in the corner of the court. I was in team 2 GD which was the bibs team vs the non-bibs. It was really funny because when Junior had the ball he goaled in the wrong hoop. And we at the end we lost because the non-bib team WON!
Now I so can’t wait until tomorrow so I can see which team wins
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Creative Name ;
In Room 22 we have been learning about Creativity. We were given a really awesome task to do. It was to create our own name creatively and we ONLY can do it in a limited of time. Which was 11:30 to 2;30 to finish it. I thought really hard how to create my name so no one else would think of it. And I had come up with doing my name in rainbow writing.
Term One Reflections ;
One of the things I was pleased with was my DLO project. When I was given my report I received good for work habits , behaviour and academic progress. I was given 11/16 which was pretty good for me. I feel really good about myself !
The thing that I wasn't to happy about is when I looked at my report was my writing. Because I got below expectation in work habits and academic progress. But I had gotten good for my behaviour.
My term went alright I think? But I need to stay focus this term so I can finish off all my activities.
The thing that I wasn't to happy about is when I looked at my report was my writing. Because I got below expectation in work habits and academic progress. But I had gotten good for my behaviour.
My term went alright I think? But I need to stay focus this term so I can finish off all my activities.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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